Individual exam preparation

Worried about an exam? We'll help you prepare!

There comes a time in the life of many language learners when they need to take (and pass!) a language exam. We understand that exams can be challenging, but we're here to support you every step of the way. We have a proven track record of helping students prepare for a variety of language exams.

We understand that each exam is unique, and we will tailor our preparation to meet the specific requirements of each exam. Our goal is to help you feel confident and prepared on exam day.

Enrol in our exam preparation program today and let us guide you towards success!

We have expertise in preparing for exams such as:
English exams

Cambridge main suite:

  • A2 Key (for Schools) / KET (for Schools)

  • B1 Preliminary (for Schools) / PET (for Schools)

  • B2 First (for Schools) / FCE (for Schools)

  • C1 Advanced / CAE

  • C2 Proficiency / CPE

Italian exams
Czech exams

Cambridge Young Learners (YLE):

  • Pre A1 Starters / YLE Starters

  • A1 Movers / YLE Movers

  • A2 Flyers / YLE FLyers

* These tests are approved for obtaining a visa to live or study in the UK (SELT - Secure English Language Test).

CELI (Certificati di lingua italiana):

  • CELI Impatto (A1)

  • CELI 1 (A2)

  • CELI 2 (B1)

  • CELI 3 (B2)

  • CELI 4 (C1)

  • CELI 5 (C2)

CILS (Certificazione di italiano come lingua straniera):

  • CILS A1 and CILS A2


  • CILS DUE - B2

  • CILS TRE - C1


CERT.IT (Certificazione dell'italiano come lingua straniera)

  • All levels A1-C2

PLIDA (Progetto Lingua Italiana Dante Alighieri)

  • All levels A1-C2


(Certifikovaná zkouška z češtiny pro cizince):

  • CCE-A1

  • CCE-A2

  • CCE-B1

  • CCE-B2

  • CCE-C1

It's going to work like this
Online diagnostic test

Take advantage of our online tools by completing a language diagnostic test from the comfort of your home or office. The test will assess your language skills and proficiency level.

Speaking test

During a video call, we'll have a conversation about your job, studies, interests, and ask some more challenging questions to help us assess your speaking skills.

Needs analysis

Once we have a clear understanding of your level, we'll discuss your specific language and exam preparation needs. We'll evaluate the suitable exams, the desired score, your motivations, availability, and more. This analysis will guide us in tailoring our approach to meet your individual goals.

Learning path

Based on the diagnostic test results and needs analysis, we'll suggest a personalized learning path for you. This includes recommended materials, lesson frequency, and other resources. We'll guide you every step of the way as you embark on your language learning journey.

Pass your language exam with our help!
Individual 60-minute lessons
Packages of 5, 10 or 15 lessons

Get a couple of individual lessons or a package of 5, 10, or 15 lessons for a discounted price.

Click below to find out about our Exam course packages!

Maria has be instrumental to my growth of the Italian language. She has encouraged me to communicate in Italian even if I’m not confident it will be correct. Maria gives extensive materials to assist in my self study at home. I highly recommend joining in a one-on-one season or group session.

- Jasmine, Australia

Maria came recommended from a friend, for Italian lessons for my daughter. My daughter adores Maria and enjoys her lessons. Maria’s lessons are very immersive and interactive and her positivity is infectious. Her style of teaching is practical, interesting and modern. I have also started doing lessons with her. Learning Italian isn’t easy but she makes it very enjoyable.

- Laura, Canada

Here's what our individual students say

Ottime le lezioni di inglese di Prem! Ha unito la comodità degli incontri online con la preparazione data dalla sua esperienza nell’insegnamento della lingua inglese con il risultato che le lezioni sono state sempre interattive e mai noiose. Ho imparato davvero tanto!.”

- Irene, Italy

Maria is a fantastic teacher. If you want to learn to speak Italian or improve your skills— she is the BEST!!! Don’t hesitate to join Crunch Languages😊 …

- Mary, USA